
Showing posts from January, 2018

Blog Post #2

Throughout my career as a student, I’ve spent a lot of time using Microsoft word alongside of other word processing programs. I mostly use it for writing papers, but I honestly tended to use google documents more in high school due to the fact that it automatically saved and I could access it from any computer. I saw my teachers often use it to create assignment sheets or syllabuses as well. I haven’t had a lot of experience that I know about with copyright and fair use laws, but I’m sure my teachers in high school drew from documents that were copyrighted, and used the fact that it was for educational purposes to make it legal. If I were to become a teacher, the best way I would deal with these copyright rules would just to make sure that even if I borrowed idea for lesson plans I made sure to mostly make it mine or use it in a different way. For implementation rules such as cheating or plagiarizing due to internet access, I would make sure to let my students know that they ...

Blog Post #1

The main influence that compels both teachers and students to integrate technology into learning in the classroom is the fact of the digital age that students have grown up into. These “digital natives” are so used to using technology in every aspect of their lives that the most efficient and entertaining way to educate them is to use what they already know to teach them. The sheer availability and influence of technology in this day and age means that many teachers and their students are adapting education methods to fit into this technological age. Of all the ISTE standards for teachers, I feel that the standard that is the most important would be being a learner. I feel that being a learner is essential to being an educator because if you cannot adapt both your teaching style and allow new information to be introduced to the topic you are teaching, you cannot be an effective teacher. A standard that I feel is out of my current skill set is designer, because I have not learned a...

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Blog Post 0

   Like most people in my generation, technology has been a large part of my life throughout my life. I often use the computer to complete tasks from my schoolwork, personal tasks, or any other extra curricular activities I may be involved in. Because I do end up using technology near constantly in my life, I feel as if I have a pretty good grasp on it, or at least I learn quickly when I do not.      I hope to learn two main things in this class; more about how computers actually work in terms of hardware and software, which is something I think will help me throughout my life and could help me troubleshoot technology problems later on. I also hope to learn more about how I learn as a student and which technological methods are most effective for me, which will help me throughout my academic career.    My learning styles results came back as Active, Intuitive, Visual and Global, but my score for active, intuitive and global were low enough that I a...