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   Like most people in my generation, technology has been a large part of my life throughout my life. I often use the computer to complete tasks from my schoolwork, personal tasks, or any other extra curricular activities I may be involved in. Because I do end up using technology near constantly in my life, I feel as if I have a pretty good grasp on it, or at least I learn quickly when I do not.
   I hope to learn two main things in this class; more about how computers actually work in terms of hardware and software, which is something I think will help me throughout my life and could help me troubleshoot technology problems later on. I also hope to learn more about how I learn as a student and which technological methods are most effective for me, which will help me throughout my academic career.

   My learning styles results came back as Active, Intuitive, Visual and Global, but my score for active, intuitive and global were low enough that I am pretty balanced between those and reflective, verbal and sequential, with just a slight preference for the other. For visual, I scored a 5, which means I have a moderate preference for visual over verbal. I was aware that I was a visual learner, but I am also not surprised that I only moderately prefer it to verbal, as I often use verbal techniques to assist in memorization such as repeating things out loud. 


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